7 Day Beach Vacation Packing List

Ready for a week of sun, sand, and sea? I bet you are! But, wait! Packing can be a tough job, right? You might be asking: “What should I bring?” Well, don’t worry. We have made a list to help you out.

7 Day Beach Vacation Packing List

It’s a simple guide for a 7-day beach vacation. It has all you need. From clothes to extras, we’ve got it covered. With this list, packing will be easy and quick. You can relax and look forward to your holiday. No more headaches. No more forgetting things. This list will make sure you have everything. So, let’s dive in! Are you ready to start packing for the best beach vacation ever?

How many outfits to pack for a beach vacation?

Daytime Beach Outfits

At least one outfit for each day. This can be a combination of swimsuits, cover-ups, t-shirts, and shorts.

Evening Outfits

If you plan to go out for dinner or explore the town in the evening, pack a few nicer outfits. These can be casual dresses, skirts, or pants with nice tops.

Travel Outfits

Consider what you’ll wear while traveling to and from your destination. This outfit can often be reused during the trip.


Always pack a few extra underwear, socks, and a pair or two of extra shirts and shorts, just in case.

what to Pack for a Seven day beach trip


1. T-shirts and Shorts: Pack enough for 7 days. They are great for the beach and walking around.

2. Swimwear: You’ll need at least two. This way, you have a dry one while the other one is drying.

3. Long-sleeve Shirt: It’s good for cooler nights or if you need cover from the sun.

4. Pants: Pack a pair for evenings when you might go out for dinner.

5. Underwear and Socks: Pack one for each day and a few extras just in case.

6. Shoes: Pack flip-flops for the beach and a pair of comfy walking shoes.

Beach Stuff

1. Beach Towel: You need this for lying on the sand and drying off after swimming.

2. Sun Hat and Sunglasses: They protect your head and eyes from the sun.

3. Beach Bag: A big bag to carry all your beach stuff.


1. Sunscreen: Very important to protect your skin from sunburn.

2. Bug Spray: This keeps bugs away when you’re outside in the evening.

3. Toothbrush and Toothpaste: Don’t forget these!

4. Shampoo and Soap: Some places don’t give these, so it’s good to bring your own.


1. Snacks: Pack some of your favorite snacks for when you get hungry.

2. Water Bottle: Staying hydrated is important, especially in the sun.

3. Books or Magazines: Something to read while relaxing on the beach.

4. Camera or Phone: To take pictures and remember your fun vacation!

And that’s it, friend! With this list, you will have everything you need for your beach vacation. Happy packing and enjoy your trip!

How do you pack light for a week in the sun?

1. Mix and Match: Bring clothes that can be mixed and matched to create different outfits. This way, you’ll need fewer items overall.

2. Limit Shoes: Shoes can take up a lot of space. Try to limit yourself to two pairs: one for the beach (like flip-flops) and one for walking or going out.

3. Double Duty Clothes: Consider clothes that can do double duty, like a dress that can be a cover-up at the beach but also worn out for dinner.

4. Limit Toiletries: Many toiletries can be bought at your destination, or you may be able to use those provided by your hotel. If you do bring your own, choose travel-sized versions.

5. Reuse Towels: You can often reuse towels, so you may only need to bring one or two for a week-long trip.

That’s my simple guide to 7 Day Beach Vacation Packing List. So stick to the essentials, consider items that can do double duty, and you’ll be all set. I hope this list helps you as much as it has helped me in the past. Safe travels and enjoy every moment of your beach vacation!

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