How do you treat a new pair of leather boots?

Getting a new pair of leather boots is like getting a new friend. You need to take care of them, so they can stay with you for a long time.

But how? It’s not always easy to know what to do, especially if it’s your first time. I’m going to share my personal experiences and practical tips on treating new leather boots, to help you out.

How do you treat a new pair of leather boots?

We’ll talk about the first steps to take when you bring your new boots home, how to clean them, and how to protect them so they last as long as possible.

Ready to learn how to make your new boots last?

How To Treat New Leather Boots

Breaking In Your New Leather Boots

Breaking In Your New Leather Boots

The first thing you want to do with your new leather boots is to break them in. Leather boots can be a bit stiff when they’re brand new. To avoid discomfort or blisters, start by wearing them around the house for a few hours each day. Gradually increase this time as they begin to feel more comfortable. Remember, patience is key in this process!

How to Clean Your Leather Boots

How to Clean Your Leather Boots

After breaking in your boots, regular cleaning is essential. Think of leather as skin. Just like your skin, it can dry out, crack, and get damaged if you don’t take care of it. Use a soft, dry cloth to wipe off any dirt or dust. For heavier grime, a damp cloth can do the trick, but never soak your boots in water.

Step 1: Regular Dusting

Make it a routine to dust off your boots after each wear. Even if they don’t appear particularly dirty, invisible dust particles can accumulate and degrade the leather over time.

A soft, dry cloth is the ideal tool for this task. Simply wipe down the boots, paying attention to crevices where dust may hide.

Step 2: Handling Dirt and Grime

Occasionally, your boots may get more than just dusty, especially after a long day out or an adventure in the outdoors. In such cases, a more thorough cleaning is necessary.

A damp cloth becomes your best friend here. Gently wipe the boots, focusing on the dirty areas, until the grime is gone.

Step 3: Avoiding Water Damage

An important thing to remember is that while a damp cloth can be used for cleaning, soaking your boots in water is a big no-no.

Excessive water can cause the leather to warp, altering the fit and comfort of your boots. It’s also important to remember to let your boots dry naturally after cleaning.

Conditioning Your Leather Boots

Once your boots are clean, it’s time for conditioning. Conditioning your boots is akin to giving them a deep moisturizing treatment. You can find leather conditioners in most shoe stores or online. Apply a small amount on a cloth and work it into the leather. Allow your boots to rest overnight, letting them fully absorb the conditioner.

Waterproofing Your Leather Boots

Leather and water don’t mix well. Wet leather boots can warp, causing them to lose their fit. To prevent this, consider waterproofing your boots using a waterproofing spray or wax. This process creates a barrier that helps to keep water out of the leather. However, remember that waterproofing doesn’t mean you can submerge your boots in water. Always avoid deep water or damp conditions.

How to Store Your Leather Boots

Step 1: Finding the Right Spot

When your boots are not on your feet, they should be stored in a cool, dry place. Leather, like skin, can suffer under extreme conditions. A closet or wardrobe, which typically maintains a consistent temperature and humidity level, often serves as an ideal storage spot.

Step 2: Maintaining the Shape

Over time and without proper care, leather boots may lose their shape. This can cause them to become uncomfortable and can also damage the material.

If you don’t have shoe trees or boot shapers, a cost-effective alternative can be rolled-up newspapers or magazines. Simply roll the paper and insert it into the boots, making sure it fills out the boot without stretching the leather.

Step 3: Storing with Care

When placing your boots in your chosen storage spot, try to give them some space.

Bottom Line

So here’s the bottom line. Taking care of your new leather boots might seem like a lot of work at first. But believe me, it’s worth it. Break them in gently, clean them regularly, keep them soft with conditioner, and don’t let them get too wet. When you’re not wearing them, put them in a cool, dry place.

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